Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Smile Back Jamaica

In marketing class today, my professor showed us a Coca Cola commercial. The topic of the day has been brand image and what the companies do to achieve this image. The Coca Cola brand has always been personified as happy, exciting, new, and creative, which is why the following 2 commercials were so successful. Take a look at one of them here:

Doesn't this just make you smile yourself? This commercial is coherent with the Companies image and message, which is been the same for as long as we can remember. Some of their slogans include: "The Coke Side of Life" (2006), "Have a Coke and a Smile" (1979), and "Open Happiness" (2012). The marketing efforts of this company are fun and engaging, making it hard to dislike the company itself. As promised, heres is the second commercial that achieves "fun. Notice how Coke created smiles and laughter by encouraging people to work together.  

One more Coca Cola video coming soon. This next one is definitely fun, but in a surprising kind of way.

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